
Bringing the War Home: PTSD & Childbirth

Bringing the War Home: PTSD & Childbirth

Today is the nationally recognized holiday in the United States known as “Veteran’s Day.” There are lots of American flags being flown, and parades in big cities and small towns, lots of “Never Forget!” and “Thank you for your service!” statements being made in person and online. But did you know that according to the […]
No “Training” Needed

No “Training” Needed

I read this article from the New York Times and let me first acknowledge all of the really great things the author writes about as a new Momma: the need she has to ask her partner for more help, the attempts she makes to encourage her partner to show up and participate as a new […]
Mothers Make It All Happen

Mothers Make It All Happen

“Mothers… We make it all happen, don’t we?” This is what the young, pregnant Momma pumping my gas said to me this morning. (Don’t judge! It’s a law in Oregon. It’s actually illegal to pump your own gas. For real.) I shook my head and answered, “Yep, we sure do.” And then we went on […]
You’re the Peanut Butter to My Jelly

You’re the Peanut Butter to My Jelly

(There’s a reason I haven’t posted in awhile… It would appear that getting one’s oldest child prepped and ready for her first year in college can actually eat up a LOT of one’s time. Time that used to be devoted to one’s blog! Ahhh, the work of mothering never ends no matter the age of […]


When you make a commitment to someone else, that’s HUGE. Sometimes I’m amazed at how much time and energy people put into the planning of a wedding, commitment ceremony, or party to celebrate their love — and how very little time and energy goes into what happens the days, weeks, months, and years following. When […]
“Ikigai” — My Reason For Being

“Ikigai” — My Reason For Being

Have you ever heard the term “Ikigai”? While you might be tempted to think it’s pronounced, “ICKy guy” its actually pronounced, “I-kuh-guy” and it’s a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” I hadn’t heard this term before today. A friend posted on FB an image similar to the one I’ve created for this […]
“The Twilight Zone”

“The Twilight Zone”

The other morning, I startled awake trying to piece together a dream that was incredibly disturbing to me… You see, I was pregnant and in labor. But I wasn’t the only one! My dear friend (and fellow Momma of four, Jen) was also pregnant and in labor at the exact same time. We were both […]
Pop Culture & Motherhood

Pop Culture & Motherhood

Like many of my birth-y friends and colleagues, I was intrigued to see the new theatrical release, Tully. The story is about a newly postpartum Momma of three small children and “Tully” the night nanny who comes to help her get back on her feet after the birth of her third baby. Initially, some in […]
Happy Mother’s Day?????

Happy Mother’s Day?????

I can’t tell you how many women I know, Mommas for the first time, or several times over, that don’t really look forward to the holiday that’s happening a few days from now. Mother’s Day is not always happy. But it might not be because of the reasons you’d expect. Sometimes Mother’s Day is rough […]
ACOG: Optimizing Postpartum Care

ACOG: Optimizing Postpartum Care

Well, it’s about time! I always have this reaction when ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) publishes a new Committee Opinion that, even though it’s a step in the right direction, should have been the standard decades ago… This move has been prompted, I’m sure, by the recent stories appearing in the media drawing […]
How Can a Haircut Make Such a Difference?!

How Can a Haircut Make Such a Difference?!

I took my very soon-to-be 16-year-old son to the local hair salon this week to get his first real haircut. Well, not his very first real haircut. For the past eight years or so, I’ve been giving him a buzz cut in our bathroom as he sits in the tub. Why? Let me be clear, […]

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