Episode 18: Connection is EVERYTHING

COVID and the isolation that it caused has had an incredible negative impact on our most basic human need: connection. Loneliness is at epidemic levels in the US and unless and until we recognize the web of interconnectedness that we share with one another, we are at risk of worsening our health and well-being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Connection is the key. Connection is EVERYTHING… and it begins with birth.
Episode 17: More Support – Better Support

When parents realize that they’re more alike than different, and that navigating what it means to raise the next generation with little to no support is something that they’re all struggling with, they might be more willing to work together – for change.
Episode 16: The Couple Connection

Keeping your couple connection strong over the long haul can be hard work and, at times, not a lot of fun, but it’s so worth it! Choosing to stay committed to one another and willing to learn how to do conflict well are keys to babyproofing your couple relationship.
Episode 15: Connecting With Our Newborns

We might believe that the connection we have with our newborns will happen during pregnancy, or immediately after birth. But it’s totally normal if this doesn’t happen right away or even MORE normal on those days when we’re just not feeling it. Some days are harder than others, ya’ll! It’s okay. Remember: You are a “Good Enough Parent.”
Episode 14: Who Am I Now?

A shift in self-identity can be something that new parents are not quite prepared for as they welcome their babe into the world. It can be intense and dramatic and unless you know it’s coming it might seriously freak you out! Remember: you don’t have to lose who you were before the baby came.
Season 03/Episode 13: Help!

It takes courage, openness and vulnerability to realize when you need to ask others for help. We are hard-wired for connection and were never meant to do much of anything in life – least of all, raise the next generation – in isolation. Asking for help is key to creating connection.
Episode 12: Please Don’t Let Me Screw This Up!

Feeling vulnerable as parents might not be enjoyable… but remember the most vulnerable person in your family is the baby! If you can embrace your vulnerability and not run from it, the potential is there for your whole family to be transformed.
Episode 11: Spotlight on Dads & Partners

Becoming a parent is one of life’s most vulnerable experiences. But the focus remains on how the pregnant, birthing and postpartum person is feeling. Spotlighting how Dads & Partners feel as they become parents is one way the whole family can thrive.
Episode 10: Just Say No

Becoming a parent means setting some healthy boundaries for your new little family. And this can trigger all sorts of vulnerable feelings for EVERYONE. But it’s SO worth it!
Episode 09: Expectation, Disappointment & The Goddess

What do expectation, disappointment and the myth of the goddess have to do with feelings of vulnerability? Ya’ll, you have no idea…