Growing Together Through Differences? Yes, Please.
I never avoid conflict. Ever. Why? Because I absolutely LOVE Conflict Resolution!
Making the Case for LIVE Education
I was in the checkout at the grocery store and while, as a rule, I never ask if someone is pregnant (unless I know them personally, they’ve already invited me to their shower, told me the baby’s name, and shown me the picture of their ultrasound — you get the idea…) it was pretty obvious […]
Get A Move On
Why is it when a couple finds themselves pregnant they decide that while they’re in the midst of creating another human being it also makes perfect sense to move? Or remodel their homes? Or take a new job that’s halfway across the country? In every class that I’ve ever taught there is at least one, […]
Pop Culture & Motherhood
Like many of my birth-y friends and colleagues, I was intrigued to see the new theatrical release, Tully. The story is about a newly postpartum Momma of three small children and “Tully” the night nanny who comes to help her get back on her feet after the birth of her third baby. Initially, some in […]
A Dream Come True
Not so long ago, I saw one my dreams come true. Not everybody gets to say that – I’m so lucky! This was a dream that took hold about four years ago. And a lot has happened in that time to make this dream a reality… I met Elly Taylor online in a Facebook forum […]
Becoming Mother – The Interview
My first ever Birth Happens interview with author, Sharon Tjaden-Glass about her book, Becoming Mother. It is a well-written, authentic and honest account of the realities of pregnancy, birth and parenting.
Traveling WITHOUT Children
It’s 5:03 am Chicago O’Hare time and I’m trying to find some free Wi-Fi that actually works. I passed a Starbucks on my way to the gate and I can imagine my chai tea latte (extra hot!) in about an hour, when the place finally opens. I’m able to sit and write uninterrupted for the […]
Educating Educators!
Not so long ago, I had the pleasure of working with a room full of Health Educators for a training session I’d developed to help these professionals increase the level of engagement they have with their students. No pressure, or anything, but when the title of your presentation is: “Teach to Reach: Six Rules of […]
And The Oscar Goes To…
Just yesterday, I taught a “Comfort Measures for Labor” class. It’s a short and sweet intensive class that examines the mind/body connection and the power of relaxation, rhythm and ritual as coping tools for labor and delivery. We practice the #1 comfort measure – breathing. And the class ends with a labor boot camp circuit: a […]
What About the Partners??? I just had a private session with a couple who are expecting their second baby in about four weeks. I’d worked with them privately the first go-around due to her unique work schedule – trying to get into a one-day express class was not even an option. And while I always encourage people to […]