What’s Your Love Language?

My parents have been married for over 60 years! Isn’t that incredible? Even more incredible is that they are still very much in love with one another. Theres is not a story of staying together just because they have a shared history and six children, fourteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, to consider. No, I’m certain […]


In this vulnerable post, I share a little bit about how I’ve moved from connection, through disconnection and back again to reconnection in my couple relationship.

My Third Is Now Eleven. Wait – What?

It is my girl’s birthday today. She has turned 11 years old and I wonder, “How in the hell did that happen?!” Last night, she feigned interest in listening to me read some Harry Potter to her younger brother, attempting some wacky dance moves instead. But she gave herself away when she shared, “I love […]

What Do I Do Right?

I’m taking part in Elly Taylor’s, Becoming Us Facilitator Training, and it’s fantastic! This training is based on her book, Becoming Us: 8 Steps to Grow a Family That Thrives. I love this book as it aims to prepare couples by presenting them with normal, realistic expectations for the transition to parenthood. Through this training, […]

Sex Life? What Sex Life? Part II

As mentioned in an earlier post, Sex Life? What Sex LIfe? Part I, there are many factors that can conspire to make postpartum sex a little bit tricky to initiate. But the good news is there’s only one thing necessary to have a lasting and healthy sexual relationship: direct, open and honest communication. When you […]

Sex Life? What Sex Life? PART I

I looked through all of my old posts thinking I must have written about postpartum sex on my blog, and even though the search term “sex” yielded 10 posts (!), none of them was specifically about postpartum sex. How can this be? It’s one of my all-time favorite topics to cover in my classes because […]

Know Your Worth

How much worth do you place on the day to day care-taking that you’re doing for your newborn? This can be a really challenging time for both parents. But it’s something that you should be discussing with one another because one of you will be the primary caregiver of your newborn – either for the […]

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