Dear Mom & Dad…

There’s the potential for friction between the generations when COVID-19 forces you to change your support system. Here’s what you need to know: today’s parents need more support than ever before!
“The Twilight Zone”

The other morning, I startled awake trying to piece together a dream that was incredibly disturbing to me… You see, I was pregnant and in labor. But I wasn’t the only one! My dear friend (and fellow Momma of four, Jen) was also pregnant and in labor at the exact same time. We were both […]
Supporting Each Other, Supporting Families

“Another study found that only 11% of women attend a childbirth class while pregnant, and many of those take only the class offered by the hospital. Those classes tend to focus on how women should behave as patients, and less on the risks and benefits of various procedures they may encounter during labor.” And there […]

Do you know what a Bereavement Doula is? Read my interview with Jennifer Fisher of EnCourage Doula Care to find out!
Happy World Doula Week!
I can’t let this week go by without a shout-out to all of the wonderful women I know personally, and professionally, who’ve taken up the call to become a doula. A doula is a woman trained to assist other women in childbirth and/or to support a new family following the birth of their baby. And […]
What Do I Do Right?
I’m taking part in Elly Taylor’s, Becoming Us Facilitator Training, and it’s fantastic! This training is based on her book, Becoming Us: 8 Steps to Grow a Family That Thrives. I love this book as it aims to prepare couples by presenting them with normal, realistic expectations for the transition to parenthood. Through this training, […]
Empty Nest
It takes a torrential rain or windstorm to blow the last remaining leaves off the trees revealing what was so well-hidden in the uppermost branches throughout Spring and Summer: one, two, sometimes up to three bird’s nests. They vary in size and shape, and I have no idea if these nests were constructed just last […]
Today’s Top 10 List: Ways to Support a New Family
Top 10 List of Things YOU Can Do to Make Our Lives as New Parents Easier Please stop by the store and pick up the following: (Provide a specific list) (Include the basics that you know you’ll go through in a week and at least one yummy treat you only buy every once in awhile […]
Boys (And Some Girls?) Don’t Cry
My six-year old son stood in front of me with tears streaming down his face and his lips in a full downward pout – so different from his usual dimpled, teeth-just-coming-in, goofy grin. He was crying because he’s feeling anxious about starting up swim lessons again. In January. I knelt down to make eye contact […]
Almost: Very Nearly, Not Quite
I’m almost done. October 31st – the last day of this year’s 31 Day Project. Last year at this time, more than anything else I felt a huge sense of relief that it was finally over. This year I feel different. I feel a sense of accomplishment. I hit the “publish” button pretty early in […]