What’s Your Love Language?

My parents have been married for over 60 years! Isn’t that incredible? Even more incredible is that they are still very much in love with one another. Theres is not a story of staying together just because they have a shared history and six children, fourteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, to consider. No, I’m certain […]

Almost: Very Nearly, Not Quite

I’m almost done. October 31st – the last day of this year’s 31 Day Project. Last year at this time, more than anything else I felt a huge sense of relief that it was finally over. This year I feel different. I feel a sense of accomplishment. I hit the “publish” button pretty early in […]

Mmmmm… Bacon

Just four days ago the mighty Internet screamed at us “BACON CAUSES CANCER.” Actually, the report was about red and processed meat, but every news story written about this subject had a big picture of bacon attached to it. (What can I say? I’m so on trend.) Was it sheer coincidence, my rebel without a […]

HELP – I’m Drowning!

When it comes to new parenting, many of us can feel like we’re drowning in a sea of information, of impossible learning curves, of all the things we have to do to just get through the day. This old flyer from The American Red Cross about how to rescue the drowning caught my eye and, […]

There Is Hope

What if you really wanted to be a Momma? What if you and your partner tried for a long time to get pregnant – and it finally happened? What if you were not in the “right” relationship at the time you found yourself surprised by a pregnancy? What if you chose to do this whole […]

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps…

  Perhaps, you thought that you and your partner would be on the same page in terms of “growing up” and taking care of your new little baby? Perhaps, you thought you’d both suddenly be so much more mature? Perhaps, the reality of where each of you are in your development as new parents is […]

Shhh… Baby’s Sleeping

Those signs you receive at baby showers that are supposed to go on your front door asking people to knock softly and avoid ringing the doorbell so your baby will stay asleep are really interesting to me. Not that I don’t understand how badly it sucks when you finally get a baby to sleep to […]

Crash Out, Please!

I just spent the last several hours talking to four different groups of expectant parents about how important it was after the birth of their baby that they crash out when their baby does following birth. This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s really, really vital to getting your new parenting off to the […]

Silent Night

I used to look forward to the silence that would surround us at 2 am when my baby would wake to eat – again. The whole world was asleep and we were the only two beings on earth locking our eyes on one another in that moonlit room. This was not always the case, mind […]

A Little Goes A Long Way…

I’ve been away from my role as Momma to my four children for the past five days. I’ve been at an amazing writer’s workshop and retreat at the Mohonk Mountain Resort with seventeen other writers discovering the heart of the Story that we feel we must tell. It was an awesome experience, and I mean […]

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