Right Words – Right Time?

Your babies are the ones this world needs right now! They are the ones this world has been waiting for.
How Can a Haircut Make Such a Difference?!

I took my very soon-to-be 16-year-old son to the local hair salon this week to get his first real haircut. Well, not his very first real haircut. For the past eight years or so, I’ve been giving him a buzz cut in our bathroom as he sits in the tub. Why? Let me be clear, […]
The Calm Before the Storm
Maybe you came home from the hospital or birthing center just a couple of days into this new parenting gig and thought to yourselves, “We’ve got this! There’s food in the fridge, the house is calm and peaceful, our gorgeous baby is sleeping quietly in the bassinet. What’s everyone complaining about? New parenting is a […]
You Are a Miracle (Just Ask Your Baby!)

We can become paralyzed that we’re not parenting perfectly – but as far as our babies are concerned, we’re miracles!