Growing Together Through Differences? Yes, Please.
I never avoid conflict. Ever. Why? Because I absolutely LOVE Conflict Resolution!
In this vulnerable post, I share a little bit about how I’ve moved from connection, through disconnection and back again to reconnection in my couple relationship.
It’s Been A Long Day…
“The days are long, but the years are short.” My Mom used to tell me this when my children were small and I was feeling the challenges of new motherhood. Now, that my baby will be turning 8 (tomorrow!) I’m starting to understand the wisdom of these words…
The Calm Before the Storm
Maybe you came home from the hospital or birthing center just a couple of days into this new parenting gig and thought to yourselves, “We’ve got this! There’s food in the fridge, the house is calm and peaceful, our gorgeous baby is sleeping quietly in the bassinet. What’s everyone complaining about? New parenting is a […]
Due Date – How About Due Month?
Your due date is only a guesstimate. It’s rare for a baby to be born on that specific date. You might want to consider your due MONTH, instead.
Pregnancy Cravings
Pregnancy cravings are normal – even if they don’t seem to be! Indulging them is okay – as long as it’s in moderation.
1,000 Minutes – The Golden Hours
Spending as much time as possible with your newborn skin-to-skin helps them make the all-important transition from being on the inside to the outside as smooth as possible.