“Ikigai” — My Reason For Being

Have you ever heard the term “Ikigai”? While you might be tempted to think it’s pronounced, “ICKy guy” its actually pronounced, “I-kuh-guy” and it’s a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” I hadn’t heard this term before today. A friend posted on FB an image similar to the one I’ve created for this […]
What I Want For Families

Over the course of my career, I’ve realized that no matter how birth unfolds, it can still be a PBE… Positive Birth Experience
Happy World Doula Week!
I can’t let this week go by without a shout-out to all of the wonderful women I know personally, and professionally, who’ve taken up the call to become a doula. A doula is a woman trained to assist other women in childbirth and/or to support a new family following the birth of their baby. And […]
Childbirth Educator? Rockstar? Do I Have to Choose?
If wasn’t a Childbirth Educator, I’d be a Rockstar! Not that I’d actually be a Rockstar, I’m not that good – but I can dream, right?! I just came off of a “Work Weekend.” My job as a Childbirth Educator is all evening and weekend work. It’s one of the things that makes this position […]
I’m a Literary Mama!
Today is the day! I received the official news from the editors at Literary Mama that my essay I submitted to them in late Summer, which eventually went through six revisions, has gone live! I’m so excited for this “origin story” to be out there in print. It tells how I came to be a […]
31 Days – What Can I Say? It’s a Calling.
I sat in the darkened auditorium watching a series of slides: different women laboring hard to bring their babies into this world, while Tracy Chapman’s The Promise played quietly in the background. I felt like I had finally discovered what it was that I wanted to devote my life’s work to. This made no practical […]
Starting Young

Is there a connection to what you were passionate about at the age of seven and what you should be doing in your profession as an adult? Maybe…