Why is PAIN a Four-Letter Word?

I taught a class recently that was a little different. It only meets once and focuses on the brain-body connection, the practice of comfort measures, and how to stay in a coping mindset throughout birth. There’s no discussion about the stages of labor or when to go to the hospital. This class is like “extra” […]

Hopelessly Devoted to You…

de·vot·ed /dəˈvōdəd/ adjective adjective: devoted 1. very loving or loyal. “he was a devoted husband” synonyms: loyal, faithful, true, staunch, steadfast, constant, committed, dedicated, devout; fond, loving, affectionate, caring, admiring “a devoted follower of the writer” 2. given over to the display, study, or discussion of. “there is a museum devoted to her work” I […]

Almost: Very Nearly, Not Quite

I’m almost done. October 31st – the last day of this year’s 31 Day Project. Last year at this time, more than anything else I felt a huge sense of relief that it was finally over. This year I feel different. I feel a sense of accomplishment. I hit the “publish” button pretty early in […]

Mmmmm… Bacon

Just four days ago the mighty Internet screamed at us “BACON CAUSES CANCER.” Actually, the report was about red and processed meat, but every news story written about this subject had a big picture of bacon attached to it. (What can I say? I’m so on trend.) Was it sheer coincidence, my rebel without a […]

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