Birth Happens
Birth happens and then you tell the story… Having broad expectations about how things will go can help you have a positive experience, no matter how your story unfolds.
How Pregnancy & Birth Transformed Me
It’s not a new idea: Pregnancy and birth are powerful, transformative experiences. But I believe this power to transform happens every single time you’re preparing to become a parent, whether it’s your first time or your fifth! Each of my pregnancies and births taught me and transformed me anew. The focus is usually on how […]
Birth=Improv? Yes, and… No
Birth as improv may not be a laughing matter, but the “Rules of Improv” still apply.
Sea Turtles Laying Their Eggs
One of the most incredible experiences ever – witnessing endangered sea turtles laying their eggs on the beaches of Tortuguero, Costa Rica!
Being Present
I love doulas! And recently, I came out of retirement to be the doula at a birth and got to experience first-hand why continuous labor support works.
Mind The Gap!
The distance between expectation and reality is where disappointment happens. Find out how to “Mind The Disappointment Gap!”
In My Humble Opinion…
The Birth World is buzzing from the latest ACOG Committee Opinion on the limitation of interventions during labor and birth. Read more to discover why…
What I Want For Families
Over the course of my career, I’ve realized that no matter how birth unfolds, it can still be a PBE… Positive Birth Experience
Becoming Mother – The Interview
My first ever Birth Happens interview with author, Sharon Tjaden-Glass about her book, Becoming Mother. It is a well-written, authentic and honest account of the realities of pregnancy, birth and parenting.
Boys (And Some Girls?) Don’t Cry
My six-year old son stood in front of me with tears streaming down his face and his lips in a full downward pout – so different from his usual dimpled, teeth-just-coming-in, goofy grin. He was crying because he’s feeling anxious about starting up swim lessons again. In January. I knelt down to make eye contact […]