Making the Case for LIVE Education

I was in the checkout at the grocery store and while, as a rule, I never ask if someone is pregnant (unless I know them personally, they’ve already invited me to their shower, told me the baby’s name, and shown me the picture of their ultrasound — you get the idea…) it was pretty obvious […]

Self-Care & Why We’re So Bad At It…

Most of us have this relationship with self-care that goes something like this: “When I can find the time (and the money!) I’m going to make that appointment at the spa for a full-day treatment!” Or, “I’m going to start dropping hints now, so that my honey will set up a full-day spa treatment for […]

What About the Partners??? I just had a private session with a couple who are expecting their second baby in about four weeks. I’d worked with them privately the first go-around due to her unique work schedule – trying to get into a one-day express class was not even an option. And while I always encourage people to […]

A Lasting Impression

(Or rip, maybe? I promise this is not a post about what happens as the baby is being born. Trust me.) Last night I slept like crap. I don’t know why, but I did. I’m someone who needs at least six hours of sleep in order to function. That’s not a ton of sleep and […]

Calling All Partners!

We need to do a better job of welcoming Dads and Partners into the world of pregnancy and birth. Period.

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