The Power of Story

I am a really, really big NPR geek. It started when I was a stay-at-home Momma after the birth of my first baby. My girl never slept during the day through that whole 4th Trimester – unless I was holding her. (This was sixteen a LONG time ago! Long before the ubiquitous smartphones and Netflix […]

The Tooth Fairy

In which I try to explain the REAL magic of the Tooth Fairy to my too-young-to-know-it’s-just-his-parents kid… How’d I do?

Feeling Thankful…

I am thankful for a break. I am on break from teaching for the next nine days. I know when I actually count how many days I’m off, and start telling other people about this out loud, that I really, really need a break. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job. I am one […]

31 Days Writing Challenge

Starting October 1st, I am joining forces with many, many other “31 Day-ers” and committing to writing a blog post for each day in the month of October. If you are intrigued, head on over here and check it out! There’s still time to join in on the fun! I’m hoping that this challenge […]

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