I arrived at my class this evening ready to teach. It had been awhile since I was last at this location, and with the recent “ice storm” I left early not knowing what traffic would be like at rush hour. It wasn’t that bad and I was happy to clock in right on time to […]
Happy Mother’s Day?????

I can’t tell you how many women I know, Mommas for the first time, or several times over, that don’t really look forward to the holiday that’s happening a few days from now. Mother’s Day is not always happy. But it might not be because of the reasons you’d expect. Sometimes Mother’s Day is rough […]
The Goddess Myth: Dealing with Disappointment

“Mothers will do anything. I knew that going into my research for this story,” writes Claire Howorth in her cover article for TIME magazine from October 30th, 2017. “But for all the communal aspects of bearing and raising children, for all the prescriptions we follow on the path of shaping another human, motherhood is […]
Crafty Momma

Gift Baskets for L&D Nurses? I’m not that kind of “Crafty Momma”- are you?
Mind The Gap!

The distance between expectation and reality is where disappointment happens. Find out how to “Mind The Disappointment Gap!”
My Belly Pooch
(Not my actual belly pooch… I’m brave people, but not that brave.) At my age, my body and I have come to a sort of reckoning. I go to Boot Camp 3x a week and push my competitive self to beat the twenty-somethings in class alongside me and this allows me to drink red wine, […]
Why is PAIN a Four-Letter Word?
I taught a class recently that was a little different. It only meets once and focuses on the brain-body connection, the practice of comfort measures, and how to stay in a coping mindset throughout birth. There’s no discussion about the stages of labor or when to go to the hospital. This class is like “extra” […]
Sex Life? What Sex Life? Part II
As mentioned in an earlier post, Sex Life? What Sex LIfe? Part I, there are many factors that can conspire to make postpartum sex a little bit tricky to initiate. But the good news is there’s only one thing necessary to have a lasting and healthy sexual relationship: direct, open and honest communication. When you […]
Sex Life? What Sex Life? PART I
I looked through all of my old posts thinking I must have written about postpartum sex on my blog, and even though the search term “sex” yielded 10 posts (!), none of them was specifically about postpartum sex. How can this be? It’s one of my all-time favorite topics to cover in my classes because […]
The Eyes Have It
There’s an article that I just read from the BBC about a project called “One Day Young” from London photographer, Jenny Lewis, who for the past seven years has been capturing a stolen moment in time in the lives of new mother/baby pairs within 24 hours of birth. I encourage you to look at all […]