Invisible Work

The unnoticed work of parenting can make you feel invisible, unappreciated and undervalued. This is the most important work you will ever do – and it is worthy of respect!

Parenting Is a Forever Job

Parenting the next generation is a forever job. It never ends. Thank goodness I have a Momma who knows that and leads by example!

A Mother’s Outrage

If you’re a white mother reading the headlines or watching Minneapolis burn and you’re not outraged, ask yourself one question: Why not? On this blog I’ve established that I’m not someone who cries very often: a couple of times a year, perhaps; on the other side of giving birth, for sure. It’s not that I […]

No Big Deal?

Just because you’ve done it before, doesn’t mean that whatever you’re experiencing as a parent is no big deal. All of it is a big deal.

Mothers Make It All Happen

“Mothers… We make it all happen, don’t we?” This is what the young, pregnant Momma pumping my gas said to me this morning. (Don’t judge! It’s a law in Oregon. It’s actually illegal to pump your own gas. For real.) I shook my head and answered, “Yep, we sure do.” And then we went on […]

You’re the Peanut Butter to My Jelly

(There’s a reason I haven’t posted in awhile… It would appear that getting one’s oldest child prepped and ready for her first year in college can actually eat up a LOT of one’s time. Time that used to be devoted to one’s blog! Ahhh, the work of mothering never ends no matter the age of […]

“The Twilight Zone”

The other morning, I startled awake trying to piece together a dream that was incredibly disturbing to me… You see, I was pregnant and in labor. But I wasn’t the only one! My dear friend (and fellow Momma of four, Jen) was also pregnant and in labor at the exact same time. We were both […]

Pop Culture & Motherhood

Like many of my birth-y friends and colleagues, I was intrigued to see the new theatrical release, Tully. The story is about a newly postpartum Momma of three small children and “Tully” the night nanny who comes to help her get back on her feet after the birth of her third baby. Initially, some in […]

Happy Mother’s Day?????

I can’t tell you how many women I know, Mommas for the first time, or several times over, that don’t really look forward to the holiday that’s happening a few days from now. Mother’s Day is not always happy. But it might not be because of the reasons you’d expect. Sometimes Mother’s Day is rough […]

A Call to Action: Mommas UNITE!

Okay, I’m not opening myself up for a debate about who works harder, or whose children benefit more, or any other divisive angle you can think of in the world of Mommas… I’m just stating the obvious: being a Momma is hard work — regardless of whether you’re juggling the demands of full-time employment outside […]

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