So THIS happened today…

Member Spotlight: Barb Buckner Suárez
Meet Lamaze member and 19-year childbirth educator veteran, Barb Buckner Suárez, BA, LCCE, FACCE, who teaches Lamaze series classes for two hospitals in Portland, Oregon. One of Barb’s goals as an educator is to help families “embrace vulnerability, as opposed to trying to run away from it, so that the powerful transformation that can happen during birth can be fully realized.” Her most valued Lamaze resource is the Six Healthy Birth Practices and the Giving Birth with Confidence blog, which is where she feels most confident in sending families for information. Learn more about Barb, including the advice she gives to other educators, on the Lamaze website.

A few months back, I answered the call from my professional certifying body to “submit my story.” It’s their way of highlighting who their members are, where they’re from, what they teach, and why. It was fun to do and I’m honored to be chosen as their “Member Spotlight” for the month of May. If you click on the link above, you’ll get the full interview.

This post is short and sweet this week as I’ve just come from a two-day professional conference. And I’m heading into another full-day tomorrow as I work with a wonderful group of fellow Board Members to put on the NACEF annual conference, “Stress & Resilience.” (We still have space – if you register RIGHT NOW!) I’m not going to lie to you – this conference topic couldn’t come at a better time, and I’m looking forward to sharing some of the great stuff I’ll be learning with all of you!

I do like a good conference, but it might be nice to have a little bit of a break after this weekend.

PS – I’m not sure if I announced that I’ve added a couple of new pages to my blog above – “Parent Coaching” and “Teacher Training.” If you get a chance, check them out. And let me know what you think – I’d love to get your feedback on these new offerings!


Meet Barb

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